shutdown shutdown 4 Questions 1 Votes 2 Ans The Computer Keeps Restarting When I Shut It Down 1.34K viewsAskify Moderator Edited answer April 30, 2023Windows Usersbios reboot shutdown windows windows-10 1 Votes 2 Ans My Computer Keeps Randomly Restarting – Reason Code: 0x500ff 1.42K viewsAskify Moderator Edited answer May 1, 2023Windows Usersevents reboot shutdown windows-10 1 Votes 2 Ans How can I modify the default option of the Shut Down Windows (Alt-F4) dialog? 1.45K viewsAskify Moderator Edited answer May 1, 2023Windows Usersshutdown windows-10 windows-10-v1803 windows-10-v1903 1 Votes 3 Ans How to shutdown or restart the computer via terminal in Ubuntu? 2.08K viewsAskify Moderator Edited question April 16, 2023Ubuntu Userscommand-line reboot shutdown terminal ubuntu