bash bash 6 Questions 1 Votes 3 Ans Prevent working directory from being printed twice when I run a command from a doskey macro file 1.81K viewsAskify Moderator Edited answer April 26, 2023Windows Usersbash command-line macros terminal windows 1 Votes 3 Ans How do I run a .sh bash script? 1.65K viewsAskify Moderator Edited question April 15, 2023Ubuntu Usersbash command-line execute-command scripts 1 Votes 3 Ans Proper way to run a bash script file extension 1.60K viewsAskify Moderator Edited question April 15, 2023Ubuntu Usersbash command-line scripts 1 Votes 3 Ans If the variable is set to 0 the Increment Operator will not work on it 1.92K viewsAskify Moderator Edited question April 15, 2023Ubuntu Usersbash command-line 1 Votes 3 Ans How to remove the file if multiple conditions are met 1.63K viewsAskify Moderator Edited answer April 16, 2023Ubuntu Usersbash command-line networking text-processing 1 Votes 3 Ans How to run multiple scripts in a folder with cron 1.63K viewsAskify Moderator Edited question April 16, 2023Ubuntu Usersbash cron scripts