The Windows 10 (1909 [Version 10.0.18363.535]) operating system is experiencing slowness before the boot manager is displayed. Upon investigating, the author discovered a reference to KB2983588, which indicates the presence of duplicate disk IDs.

The German version of the message explains that the disk labeled “3” has the same disk IDs as one or more disks that are connected to the system.

The recommendation is to visit the Microsoft support website and search for KB2983588 to resolve the issue. However, the author was unable to find any duplicate IDs despite using a German locale:

DISKPART> list disk

  Datenträger ###  Status         Größe    Frei     Dyn  GPT
  ---------------  -------------  -------  -------  ---  ---
  Datenträger 0    Online         1863 GB   353 GB
  Datenträger 1    Online          931 GB   467 GB
  Datenträger 2    Online           64 TB      0 B        *
  Datenträger 3    Online         1023 GB      0 B        *

DISKPART> sel disk 0
Datenträger 0 ist jetzt der gewählte Datenträger.
DISKPART> uniqueid disk
Datenträger-ID: 6EC001A4
DISKPART> sel disk 1
Datenträger 1 ist jetzt der gewählte Datenträger.
DISKPART> uniqueid disk
Datenträger-ID: 6F20A1F4
DISKPART> sel disk 2
Datenträger 2 ist jetzt der gewählte Datenträger.
DISKPART> uniqueid disk
Datenträger-ID: {4BF4404B-D2F8-4C70-985B-20556843D8C4}
DISKPART> sel disk 3
Datenträger 3 ist jetzt der gewählte Datenträger.
DISKPART> uniqueid disk
Datenträger-ID: {EC9CD42E-3609-4625-A9CB-7A7C76DA7CC1}

The author came across a mention that the problem might be related to GPT partitions, but the source did not provide any specific information. The author is asking if the recipient has any further knowledge or understanding regarding this matter.

Askify Moderator Edited question May 2, 2023