I have documents that are stored on a ReFS (Resilient File System) volume, and the enforcement of Integrity Stream integrity is true.

PS M:\> Get-Item Contoso.vhdx | Get-FileIntegrity

FileName         Enabled  Enforced
--------         -------  --------
M:\Contoso.vhdx  False    True

I want to turn Enforced off:

PS M:\> Get-Item "M:\Contoso.vhdx" | Set-FileIntegrity -Enforce $False
PS M:\> Get-Item Contoso.vhdx | Get-FileIntegrity

FileName         Enabled  Enforced
--------         -------  --------
M:\Contoso.vhdx  False    True

What is the procedure to disable the enforcement of file integrity?

Askify Moderator Edited question May 1, 2023